with Catherine Geel and Guillaume Dupetit
How I Stopped to Worry About My Writing to Enjoy My Fiction: Part I
The idea is to be aware of writing methodology in order to properly help to write fictions that can shape or structure a project or lead towards situation or creation of situations…
Thus the tooling will not investigate the way to research about fictional materials. It seems that this is a field where design’s methodology ( cf. Noam’s lecture) can be apply successfully in order to collect elements. For that reason the TOOLING will explore ways of building a fiction, assembling needed elements and writting trough some exercises and the creation of “reading groups” that are going to work together in order to look at each other’s work.
Thus, you have to come to the seminar with the maximum of elements already found for a possible project where fiction can play a role.
Although the script could be a novel, a short stories, a play, a scenario etc. you need to come with elements of your own researches concerning :
objects… you’re interested to “put” in a fiction..