Interrupted Backgrounds #2


This project was developed in a building which was abandoned together with the dismantling of the railway infrastructure in 1990 in Seville. The tower, whose original function was to take care of the railroad switch, has been a symbolic witness of urban and infrastructural significant changes in the city. The relationship with landscape is suggested due to the morphology of the space itself, designed to control, watch and therefore contemplate the outside.

With that starting point, and through the same exercise of pre-listening in the specific space, this project puts the focus in the outdoor surrounding soundscape. This is mainly defined by traffic background noise —what prevailed after the railway infrastructure is a busy road—. Rather than looking for a singular soundscape, the ordinariness of the specific acoustic environment and its ubiquitous nature is what gives traction to this project.

The work intervenes in the acoustic environment inside the space. Recorded traffic noise —played back through multi-channel surround systems— merges with the actual traffic noise that comes inside through the windows.

This work was carried out in December 2017 in La Torre Encendida, Seville.

Special thanks to Ana Arenas.