Culture in the Cave #3 Hot Flowers, Warm Fingers with Florence Parot
Visit the exhibition “Hot Flowers, Warm Fingers” with the artist Pauline Curnier Jardin at the Central Museum in Utrecht 10h00-17h00, Agnietenstraat 1
About Culture in the Cave:
The cave can be considered the original place of art. What led prehistoric people to venture deep into caves to paint their walls? How not to think of the allegory of Plato’s cave?! This same allegory which, moreover, is representative of the vision of art of the Greek thinker, who sees in pictorial representations appearances that we take for reality.
“The cave” will be our allegory for the year to come! A thought experiment’s try-out to bring to confinement, to ignorance and our appearances: emancipation, knowledge and reality. More humbly, Culture in the Cave is a series of gatherings which aim to strengthen the collective, its social and cultural inscriptions in where we live: The Netherlands. These gatherings take the shape of meetings, dinners, cultural excursions, in order to share concerns, conviviality and artistic experiences within the group, and build-up knowledge. Sessions are open for ideas and contributions. It aims to stay: NL based, accessible and economic. Nevertheless the whole thing should evolve in the second semester the way we -collectively- wish. I wish that one of the goals of all of this would be to provide a satisfying sense of “we”.
Image: Grotta Profunda 2011, Pauline Curnier Jardin. Installation views of Viva Arte Viva, 57th Venice Biennale